Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Vuka Workout Energy Drink Review

Even though lemonade is most known for refreshing you on a hot day, it's not terribly hot where I live, but that won't stop me from reviewing the lemonade flavoured Vuka Workout. Vuka Workout is technically labeled as berry lemonade, which I guess is known for refreshing you on a cold day. The red used for the can to Workout is a rather bright red that's appealing to the eye, even though it reminds me more of cherries than berries or lemons. The design is consistent with past Vuka's, and while the red is on par with Thinks attractive purple, it's far superior than Renews unappealing green.

The flavour begins with the berry, and its main body consists mostly of cherry, pear and guava. The cherry clearly dominates this period, but not to the point where the guava and pear are treated as notes. None of the fruits taste artificial, and their respected level of sweetness is natural to that of the fruit. Underlying the berry is a quiet mix of white grape and apple, and though near the finish of the prior blend they begin to gain strength, the nearing lemonade flavour ends up being too strong for them to become pronounced, even if the lemonade is moderately light. The lemonade focuses on a sweet lemon taste with a mild sourness. There isn't as much sourness as one may be accustomed to, but I found it to be enough for the light lemonade. The entire experience is very smooth going down, and there's no aftertaste. Its lack of tartness is disappointing, and actually, the overall flavour is kinda too. Its not that Vuka Workouts flavour is a bad one, it's just more like two half completed ones. Each sip was thoroughly enjoyable, but I would of liked less of a concentration on the "berry" aspect and more on the "lemonade."

Workout's energy blends highlights include: caffeine(160mg), pantothenic acid, tea solids, grape seed, L-carnitine, and several B vitamins. It's supposedly able to replenish you after a workout and give you energy, but like previous varieties in the line, it's hard to prove its namesake ability, and the amount of energy is nothing more than the common three hour buzz. I had no jitters, and while I didn't crash, I could tell after three hours that I wasn't as energetic. In the end, Vuka Workout's modern and elegant can makes the liquid inside seem like it would be more powerful and better tasting than it really was.

official site

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