Thursday, April 29, 2010

NX Hot Fuel Energy Drink Review

I'm a huge fan of energy drinks with resealable bottles, so while I'm glad that NX Hot Fuel comes in one, it's not the best I've come across. It's hard not to liken the design to NOS, with it's bottle shape and name origin being similar, and while NX's label, I feel, is vastly superior, the white bottle is just so unfitting. Why they didn't make the bottle clear like a soda, or use the same colour the other varieties in the line use is beyond me, and a real poor decision on their part.

NX Hot Fuel splashes out of the bottle a gross thick and milky pink that reminds me a lot of ear ache medicine. Thankfully, it tastes a whole lot better than it looks. It's light, mildly carbonated, and the main flavour is the typical fruit punch braid; apple, guava, passion fruit, tangerine, and cherry, however, they're less natural tasting and more candy-like than most other energy punches. There's heavy focus initially on the passion fruit and guava, both of which share equal power. The apple and cherry underlie that blend, and although the cherry is by far weakest fruit in the experience, both are nothing more than hints. The tangerine only appears during the transition to the gentle finish, and I say it's a gentle finish as the bite is modest. There's no amount of tartness or sourness to the flavour, however there's a slight grainy texture towards the end. It's quite obvious why NX Hot Fuel didn't come in a clear bottle, as its colour is unsightly, but it's also apparent why it doesn't come in a size smaller than twenty four oz., because it's quickly finished and easily enjoyed.

With twenty four oz. comes caffeine(240mg), quercetin, vitamin C and B3, and although it's lacking several key ingredients, like taurine, guarana, and other B vitamins, the sheer amount of caffeine did a good job providing a solid rush. I was energized for over four hours, and though afterwords I could tell I wasn't as awake as I once was, I wouldn't call it a "crash." All in all, NX Hot Fuel tasted and kicked well above average, but flaws like the liquid and bottle colour keep me from hailing it as a must own.

official site

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