Saturday, May 1, 2010

Mtn Dew Distortion Soda Review

Out of the three new Dewmocracy Mtn Dews, Distortion is easily the one I'm looking forward to the most. The label design, though a bit busy, is edgy and industrial, and I'm a fan of its alleged flavour, lime. I also like the name Distortion, and while it's not exactly an appropriate match for lime, I really appreciate that they didn't turn it cliche by spelling it like DEWtortion. Like with past soda reviews, I'm adjusting my review style, as Distortion is not an energy product.

Distortion clearly was formulated with the now-hard-to-find MDX in mind. It's initially very much akin with regular Mtn Dew; heavily sugary, harshly carbonated, and ample of focus of an artificial and mildly tart lemon/melon cross. But things eventually differ when the lemon quickly diminishes to a surprisingly natural tasting lime. Keep in mind, though, it doesn't taste that natural. The lime is fairly sour and the carbonation by this point has wasted away, allowing the experience to grow smooth. The melon from the initial braid is still noticeable, although its now just a trace undercurrent to the lime. There isn't any real sort of bite when the experience finishes, but there is an aftertaste, albeit a small one. I've never really liked the original Mtn Dew, so while Distortion tasted better, I wouldn't drink it regularly.

Though not much worse for you than your typical sugared soda, with 290 calories, seventy six grams of sugar, HFCS, and BVO, Distortion is still far from healthy. Those watching their diet should be advised to avoid soda in general, and especially heavily sweetened ones like this. Overall, Mtn Dew Distortion is decent extension to the Mtn Dew line, and because of its familiar taste, a fair alternative to the original Mtn Dew.

official site

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