Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Howling Monkey Sugar Free Energy Cola Review

Howling Monkey Sugar Free Cola comes in a crazy, though cluttered can that ends up looking cold thanks to its bleak colour scheme. The white is hard to distinguish from the silver, and it doesn't work well with the other colours on the can; the red, blue and yellow. It's hard to explain, but I get this somber, gelid feel from the can, but it's not pleasant nor do I feel it was intentional.

Howling Monkey Sugar Free Cola's flavour body is light and the carbonation is fairly bubbly and sharply spikes as the sip travels through your mouth. The actual flavour is a smooth and mild vanilla, with an end trail of a orange peel. The orange is faint and in-distinctive, and exists purely for complexity reasons. There's a blend of spices following, mainly of cinnamon and nutmeg. The spices aren't particularly strong, and neither is dominate. The acidity level is high, but not abnormal for a cola, and it's most prevalent nearing the end. The sweetness was rather low, and thanks to the use of sucralose and ace-k, it didn't leave an aftertaste or feel unnatural. Howling Monkey s/f Cola was actually quite satisfying to drink, and though it wasn't as good as some premium, sugared colas, it tasted far better than either diet Coke or Pepsi.

Caffeine(160mg), vitamin E, guarana, several B vitamins, taurine, ginseng, inositol, and D-ribose make up Howling Monkeys energy cocktail; its fairly typical energy cocktail. I had a kick lasting three and a half hours+ with no crash, and surprisingly, I had jitters. All in all, Howling Monkey Sugar Free Cola is an adequate no-sugar alternative to the more rounded Rockstar Cola, and while it's the only sugar free energy cola I've come across, it gives hope for more to come.

official site

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