Thursday, May 13, 2010

Pit Bull Cranberry Pink Grapefruit Energy Drink Review

While essentially the same, Pit Bull Cranberry Pink Grapefruit's colour scheme of pink on black is far worse than Cherry Lime's neon green. And while I've never thought the design was intimidating or anything, it's intended to be, so why they chose the colour pink is beyond me. Another problem with the can is the sub name and flavour indication "Cranberry Pink Grapefruit." It's much too long and it's a bit awkward to say and write. Dropping the "pink" from the label would be a start in the right direction, but it would still end up being too long.

Pit Bull Cranberry Pink Grapefruits taste is light on your palate, and begins with a soft, refreshing grapefruit that's married with a quiet raspberry. The first half of the raspberry is candy-like, but the second half is realistic in both texture and level of sweetness. There's then a lingering hint of cranberry that's positively, though slightly earthy, and while its tartness is not strong, it is detectable. There's a slight cherry taste seamed with the cranberry, but it's even more of hint than the cranberry. The carbonation is bubbly and the overall liquid is incredibly smooth. All in all, while a more appropriate name would just be "Grapefruit," Cranberry Pink Grapefruit tastes great, and each sip eagerly makes you desire another.

Pit Bull Cranberry Grapefruit provided only a modest three hour buzz, with no jitters but ended with a slight crash. Each can contains: several B vitamins, taurine, caffeine(160mg), guarana, inositol, and ginseng. Overall, Pit Bull Cranberry Pink Grapefruit should be bought purely for its delectable taste, and not for power or appearance.

official site

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