Saturday, June 26, 2010

Crunk Energy Drink Review

Despite being more or less the same, I much prefer Crunk original's can over Crunk Citrus's. I find the red makes the design flow more smoothly, and compared to the vivid yellow of Citrus, I feel the crimson is simply more appealing. The black only colours the text and the side of the can's front, which is a bit different from the popular red on black. Like I said in my Citrus Crunk review, the design isn't cluttered, however there is a large amount of text, and while lines like "with ashwaganda" and "horny goat weed" don't do much harm, they don't do much good either.

Crunk pours out of the can looking vaguely like what it would look like if you diluted pomegranate juice in seltzer water. Initially, the flavour is a authentic sour apple taste that merges seamlessly with a sweet and slightly earthy pomegranate. The apple clearly preponderates the experience, with its sourness eventually influencing the pomegranate greatly. This alloy is perched upon a pear taste that's mellow and soft, and has a faint lime peel essence to it. The lime peel adds only a bit of an organic quality that, while similar to the pomegranates earthiness, is a bit stronger and less enjoyable. The pear underbelly has a mild tartness to it that complements not only the pear, but the flavour overall. The carbonation is at first unobtrusive, but it soon gains momentum and trickles the drinker throat fittingly to the flavour itself. In the end, Crunk's taste is far more complex, original, and just simply more enjoyable than its citrus counterpart.

Each can contains: caffeine(194mg), vitamin C, inositol, guarana, ginkgo, ginseng, vitamin E, and a variety of B vitamins. Like Crunk Citrus, the kick behind Crunk original lasted around four hours, but this time there were no jitters. I did crash, however, but it was a fairly mild crash. All in all, while an overall improvement over Crunk Citrus, Crunk original is still not quite worth paying $2.89 for.

official site

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