Wednesday, June 16, 2010

DNA Citrus Sugar Free Energy Drink Review

DNA Citrus Sugar Free's can is one of the better sugar free energy drink cans I've seen lately. The design and the silver shifting to white colour scheme give off a strong industrial vibe, and unlike some, it doesn't look bleak. But there is one thing about the can as a whole that I don't like; the name, mainly the "citrus" part. Since there's already DNA Lemon Lime, it makes you wonder what other citruses the flavour could be. Orange? Well since the star and sub name are orange, it very well could be, but why they wouldn't just call it "DNA Sugar Free Orange" is beyond me.

DNA Citrus Sugar Free is what I imagine diet Sunny D would taste like. It begins a highly artificial orange flavour that's initially bland until it sharply explodes into a much more thick and sweet taste. Succeeding then blending with the orange is a pineapple that tastes equally as sweet. Both poorly imitate their respected fruit, but neither are really unpleasant. The pineapple is followed by a faint tangerine peel taste that's clearly the drinks most natural and focused flavour characteristic. The carbonation is dull, thus it feels little like a soda, but it's evident enough to prevent it from tasting like its obvious inspiration. The sweetness is strong and clearly synthetic, which surprises me given it uses Ace-K and sucralose. Overall, DNA Citrus Sugar Free was an attempt at crafting the perfect sugar free orange energy drink, but it failed to go beyond being anything but a mediocre attempt.

DNA Citrus Sugar Free's energy blend is identical to its siblings; guarana, several B vitamins, caffeine(200mg), taurine, folate, and inositol. My energy level was raised for four hours once I finished the can, and the lack of sugar resulted in no crash. In the end, if DNA Citrus Sugar Free's can draws you to purchase it, then you'll be dissatisfied with its taste, and impressed with its kick.

official site

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