Saturday, June 12, 2010

Full Throttle Mocha Energy Coffee Review

Full Throttle Mocha is one of three coffee Full Throttles available, and though they've been available for two or so years, I've never been too interested in picking up a can. Since this is an older can, it doesn't use the new line design and instead the older one, which in my opinion is much better. However, it's still not a great design. The colour, a spotted brown, isn't appealing or appetizing, despite being fitting, and the flames look completely out of place on it.

Full Throttle Mocha splashed out of its can a surprisingly thick brown colour that's more reminiscent of chocolate milk than a coffee. Taste-wise, however, it rivals Java Monster Loca Moca for best mocha energy coffee. It's initially a creamy taste with only a slight hint of coffee, but the coffee steadily grows in strength and bitterness, and growing separately and more quickly is a simple though pleasant chocolate. The chocolate tastes milky and rich, but it's not sweet and has an explicit bitterness that's equally as appropriate as that of the coffee. The coffee and the chocolate do not share the same bitterness, as each flavour has a different degree of a different style of bitterness. The coffee itself is quite flavourful and intense, though far less than what the typical coffee house guru is used to. Riding in the back of your mouth is a compressed version of the chocolate taste, and while it's just as creamy, it is a bit sweeter. Overall, Full Throttle Mocha cleverly avoided making the entire experience bitter despite the main flavours being bitter, and is easily the best, though not the most original variety in the line.

Full Throttle Mocha's energy cocktail is startling and almost depressingly weak. With a low caffeine content(131mg per can), ginseng, guarana, and vitamin B6 and B3, I had a buzz lasting less than two hours. I didn't have any jitters and there wasn't a crash, however I was inclined to reach for another caffeinated drink once the buzz ended. All in all, Full Throttle Mocha shouldn't be labeled as an energy coffee but instead just a coffee, as that's what it tasted and kicked like.

official site

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