Thursday, June 10, 2010

NX Speed Freak Energy Drink Review

NX Speed Freak is the sugared version of NX Lean & Mean, and its label design retains all that made Lean attractive. The colour scheme is mainly black and red, with some silver trim; and it all works quite well. The colours don't clash with each other, and the background pattern is cool even if it's hard to notice. One thing I just realized is that all the varieties of NX have a different vehicle on them, and while the formula one race car fits its sub name, it is difficult to differentiate from the background.

When the liquid first meets your taste buds, there's a pleasant mango flavour that, unlike its sugar free sibling, is engulfed in a soft carbonation. The sweetness isn't brash, and it complements the mango in a realistic manner. The mango isn't boring, but rather piquant, yet it avoids being pungent. There's a certain mellow tartness that feels natural with the flavour as a whole. Mango really is the drinks main focus, but there are calm notes of passion fruit and papaya. The passion fruit is predominate, but it's less sweet than the papaya. The papaya itself closely tastes like a tangerine/peach cross, but there's a distinct attribute that could only be from the said fruit. The aftertaste is purely a reminder of what you just drank, if not an abbreviation of the flavour, and it's entirely enjoyable. Overall, NX Speed Freak tasted similar to many other mango-themed drinks, but the mere quality of the flavour ensures this is one of the best of its kind.

Each bottle contains: quercetin, vitamin B3, C, and caffeine(240mg). Per oz., its caffeine content is fairly typical, but at twenty four oz., it was enough to energize me for four hours. The high amount of sugar also perked me up, though there was a slight sugar crash. In the end, NX Speed Freak is a an energy drink that you'll enjoy all three hundred calories of.

official site

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