Sunday, June 6, 2010

xenergy Blu Pom Energy Drink Review

xenergy Blu Pom is the first and only xenergy that I paid more than a dollar for(about $2.49), so this and the fact that the others have wildly impressed me, mean I have high expectations for Blu Pom. It comes in a silver can, with two purplish circles in the middle, and busy text. I like the colour of the circles more than on previous varieties, as it counters the silver well. I also like that they didn't use the full names "blueberry pomegranate" as the flavour indication, and instead shortened it to Blu Pom. The Pit Bull line could benefit from doing the same. Like I said before, the text is a problem, but it mostly lies towards the bottom. Lines like "zero calorie" and "sugar free" mean essentially the same, and lines like "all natural flavours + colours" feel out of place and pointless.

Initially, the flavour is a soft and ripe blueberry who's texture is realistic and believable, however the sweetness doesn't feel as natural with it. Following is a fairly low-key cherry that feels much more natural with the said sweetness. This is when the drinks fizzy carbonation becomes noticeable, as it tickles the cherry playfully. There's a measurable sourness present along with the cherry, and it steadily grows long after the cherry dies out, and only fades as the experience ends. Then the cherry is, at first, lost in a more distinct raspberry and blackberry cross, but it is able to reappear briefly trailing behind. The raspberry and blackberry aren't as full bodied as their respected fruits, but the braid does add a mild tart crust to the experience. The focus is then quickly lifted off the prior blend and shined upon a rapidly rising pomegranate. The pomegranate isn't as succulent as the fruit it's attempting to imitate, however it is as sweet. Overall, while drinking xenergy Blu Pom, you'll likely to forget it's sugar free, and you'll likely enjoy it as much as I did.

xenergy Blu Pom's energy blend is: caffeine(200mg), several B vitamins, taurine, guarana, ginseng, inositol, and L-carnitine. With no sugar, the kick wasn't immediate and short lived, but instead it evenly increases 'til it reaches its peak one and a half hours in. It remains steady until it reaches just under the four hour mark, where it ends with no crash. All in all, xenergy Blu Pom successfully meets each and every expectation set by its siblings, and in some cases, it goes beyond those expectations and in turn sets more for succeeding varieties.

official site

1 comment:

  1. Xyience is slowly winning me over. I hope the new flavor they have out is as good as the rest.
