Sunday, September 12, 2010

Nitrous Monster Killer B Energy Drink Review

These Nitrous Monsters just keep getting cheaper and cheaper. Unlike the past two varieties, which ran me a high $3.49 and $3.29 respectfully, Killer B only ran me $2.89. Now I know I'm a lucky dog. Killer B's can uses a similar colour to Anti Gravity, so similar that I had a hard time telling the difference from one another. Anti does begin to become darker towards the top, but the two can colours are simply too alike. The flavour indication is Killer B, and with a background resembling honeycombs, one would assume the flavour is going to utilize honey in some fashion, but if we stop and think for a second, I have to say that a honey flavoured energy drink would not only be a first, but a strange idea.

Honey and me aren't the best of friends, so taking my first sip I was a bit cautious. Initially, the flavour is light not only in strength but on your tongue. The taste is a muffled lemon who's sourness is the one doing the suppressing. The prior fruit tastes authentic, and combined with the sourness, I'm reminded of lemons raw. There's an underneath development of sweetness whose progress quickens and becomes almost jelly-like nearing its finish. The gel sweetness only slightly tastes of honey, and is mildly syrupy and thickly slimes only your tongue, leaving the rest of the mouth clean. This distracts you from the flavour of the liquid, which has now grown powdery and almost chalky, which tastes fine with the earlier fruit, but does hinder some of its realism. The beginning liquid has a slight aerated, effervescent texture, but the latter's heavy, tautened sweetness clashes and encumbers the intended effect. What results is a flavour that's enjoyable no doubt, but also one that is uneven and a bit clutter minded.

Monster Killer B provides the typical Monster kick. I had energy fairly soon after I finished the twelve oz. can, and the energy lasted for around three hours. There were no jitters, but I crashed fairly hard once the three hours ended. Each can contains: caffeine(160mg), L-carnitine, several B vitamins, inositol, ginseng, taurine, and guarana. Overall, although there are definitely some problems, and while I still don't feel justified paying what I did, out of all the Nitrous Monsters, I'd say that Killer B gave me of my moneys most worth.

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