Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Stacker 2 YJ Stinger Enraged Raspberry Energy Drink Review

Just like Sinful Citrus before it, I had one hell of a time trying to figure out what exactly to call the latest drink I own in the line, but I eventually settled on Stacker 2 YJ Stinger Enraged Raspberry(just rolls right off the tongue doesn't it?). The can uses the same busy and cluttered can of the previous varieties, but the blue actually looks quite nice and tries hard to make the can attractive. The hornet within the middle is detailed to the point where it becomes almost disturbing, and while some drinks will try to look intimidating or aggressive, the insect is just plain scary! But without the bug, I have to say the can would lose some of its uniqueness, however creepy it is.

Stacker 2 Enraged Raspberry tastes initially of a super sickly sweet cotton candy and blue raspberry hybrid, with neither dominating, and the two are listed in order of appearance. Both taste appropriate with the extreme sugariness, but it's still a bit overwhelming. There's a fair tartness level that incompletely bounces between the two flavours, and while it's suitable with the raspberry, it fails to feel as proper with the cotton candy. The tartness consistently mellows between each bounce, and is soon extinguished by a sudden uprising wall of more sweetness. That sweetness has an abbreviate sense of the opening flavours, but the experience quickly closes soon after, bringing about a milder though more unpleasant mineral earthy taste. It remains unobtrusive, but I wouldn't go so far as to call it subtle. The drinks carbonation is fizzy, but unremarkable throughout. Overall, YJ Enraged Raspberry is certainly drinkable and is almost enjoyable. Almost. The flavour is just rather routine and lacks anything to call its own.

Each can contains: caffeine, taurine, guarana, ginseng, and a variety of B vitamins. The buzz I received lasted two hours before I crashed. It was a fairly weak kick too; I didn't feel wholly energized, and I had jitters. In the end, the overall mediocrity of Stacker 2 YJ Stinger Enraged Raspberry accomplishes nothing but explain why it's a regular guest to the shelves of Big Lots.

official site

1 comment:

  1. I've been trying to figure out how many mg of caffeine are in a can of this stuff, do you know? can it be posted here?
