Thursday, October 28, 2010

Hydrive Kiwi Lime Energy Drink Review

I bought Hydrive Kiwi Lime along side the last variety I reviewed Acai Berry, and the until the other day when I happened to of stumbled upon a bottle, I had completely forgot that I still needed to review it. Kiwi Lime comes in a clear plastic bottle who's green label is clean and its text is kept minimal. The eclipsed explosion behind the "HY" is attractive, and although it's the only real graphic, it provides something to unify the line visually while not wholly engrossing the consumers attention.

Kiwi Lime's flavour is in the tradition of the previous Hydrives, except it isn't as watered down or as flavourless. A tart kiwi with a lemon fencing begins it, however that's quickly replaced by a lime who's sourness and sweetness perfectly balance one another in the most natural fashion. The lemon has slight sourness that complements the kiwi's tartness well enough, and the two's partial meshing gives an interesting sense of initial complexity. Both the kiwi and the lime have a distinct water finish, but since the prior is immediately followed, the wateriness instead streams below so that when the lime concludes, the experience ends with a pleasant washing of your palate that's essentially a minor mirroring of the stronger effect found in most flavoured waters. This cleaning, however, leaves behind an infirm minerality that thankfully doesn't interfere with the liquids refreshing quality. Overall, Kiwi Lime's full bodied taste honestly surprised me, and it's easily the best tasting Hydrive I've come across.

Hydrive's kick was slow going but eventually gained enough momentum to really become noticeable, albeit forty five minutes after consumption. The buzz then lasted around two hours more, and while there wasn't any jitters or a crash, it never really peaked at an impressive level. Each bottle contains: caffeine(145mg), taurine, l-carnitine, l-arginine, and several B vitamins. All in all, Kiwi Lime is not only my personal favourite of the Hydrives, but it has also reignited my interest in the line.

official site

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