Saturday, October 30, 2010

rip it Red Zone Energy Shot Review

rip it Red Zone Energy Shot is actually based on a short lived rip it flavour called Red Zone. It was part of a series released in twenty oz. bottles, and sadly I was never able to get a hold of any. Red Zone's bottle is of the usual two oz. size, and while the compact space squishes the design tightly together, I like the look of it. Yes I realize that there's much going on, but I don't feel it ever becomes cluttered or loses much focus.

rip it Red Zone, because of its small size, doesn't achieve the same level of easy drinking as some larger shots do, but the actual flavour isn't so bad. A sharp, almost pungent cherry begins it initially with an underlying synthetic cranberry and a slight chemical burn. The cranberry partially crosses with an equally fake lime taste, but they're eventually suppressed by the flavour's new addition of strawberry, who sits atop the previous two fruits. The strawberry has a forceful tartness and a less defined sweetness that do a terrific job in censoring the earlier burn to nothing more but a faint distraction, albeit if in small sips. The lime rebirths itself incompletely with a new adjoining of a medium sourness that complements the aforementioned sweet and tartness. Overall, while the flavour was actually quite enjoyable for an energy shot, I'm really left to wonder what the twenty oz. Red Zone would have tasted like.

rip it Red Zone doesn't go for anything abnormal with its energy blend: caffeine(100mg), taurine, l-glutamine, and several B vitamins. I received a kick lasting two and a half hours, and it was fairly potent and quick to appear. I had slight jitters and I didn't crash. Overall, while I personally prefer the regular sixteen oz. rip its, Red Zone is a worthy addition to both the line and energy shots in general.

official site

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