Sunday, November 7, 2010

Jolt Wild Grape Energy Shot Review

I wasn't a fan of the previous Jolt design, and while Jolt Wild Grape Energy Shot uses it, I feel the great reduction of size is one of the best things to of ever happened it. The largeness of the logo works well with the small surface area of the two oz. bottle, and the outline of purple and the background of gray is a surprisingly good colour scheme. I do, however, think that the label looks a bit cramped at times, mainly because of the logo taking up so much space. But regardless, this discontinued little extension is still my favourite looking of any Jolt to come.

The only chemical taste to the entire experience is within the first sip, and from then on there's no mention of the prior distastefulness. The actual flavour begins a fairly deep red grape that's sweetened to a natural degree and has a medium sourness beneath. The grape occupies between tasting natural and artificial, but it leans more towards the latter, but not in a negative way. The fruit plays this synthetic quality in a clever and pleasant fashion by remaining light on your palete and by not adopting any harsh attributes. There's an insignificant note of cherry, who almost comes across as tasting like raspberry, that fructifies out from the base sourness. However it isn't able to blossom or provide much to the experience, as the sourness from which it was yielded soon apogees and proves too strong to be noticed. Overall, Jolt Wild Grape's taste is impressive and leaves me with positive expectations for future grape energy shots.

Each bottle contains: caffeine(200mg), taurine, guarana, ginseng, and several B vitamins. Once I finished the small amount of liquid, I began to feel progressively more energized. This climaxed near the four hour mark, which is when I crashed slightly. All in all, it's a shame that Jolt Wild Grape Energy Shot isn't on the market anymore, as I feel it's easily one of the best drinks to of ever been graced by the word "Jolt."

official site

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