Monday, December 27, 2010

Hydrive Lemon Lime Energy Drink Review

With its alleged flavour and its bright yet pale yellowish green colour, comparisons to Gatorade Lemon Lime are easy and obvious, and while I've enjoyed most of the Hydrive line, I'm not known for my appreciation towards any variety of Gatorade. But moving on, Hydrive Lemon Lime's colour pattern is personally my favourite of the line, despite my disliking for the actual bottle design. The aforementioned greenish yellow colour enjoys good balance with the darker green and black that's painted throughout the label, and although things do begin to get a bit busy near bottom, the bottle is solid overall.

Hydrive Lemon Lime's taste partially mirrors that of the previously mentioned Gatorade. There's an initial tinting of lemon that lacks a stern sweetness but does enjoy the benefit of being soured appropriately, and as you allow the fluid to advance within your mouth, there's an aquatic torrent that lays heavily on your palate and it strongly dilutes the earlier fruit. By now the flavour is bland and boring, but most will except this momentary vapidity. Thankfully implanting some complexity, there's then an introduction of lime to the experience, and it indomitably stains a bit of a sinewy flavouring onto the taste as a whole. The lime is sweetened greater than the earlier lemon was, but unfortunately there's a mild artificiality to its overall saccharinity. The inevitable finish approaches soon after, but there's a last minute addition of lime and orange peel, otherwise known as zest, and they add both slight depth and a slight texture. In the end, Hydrive Lemon Lime's taste was enjoyable, but it isn't the best variety in the line to contain the word "lime" in its subname.

I had a decent degree of energy once I finished the bottle, and it lasted for a line typical two and a half hours or so. I didn't have jitters nor did I crash, but I will admit that I didn't feel as strongly energized as with past varieties. Each bottle contains: caffeine(145mg), taurine, vitamin E, and several B vitamins. Overall, Hydrive Lemon Lime does the line proud despite not doing anything entirely surprising.

official site

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