Saturday, December 25, 2010

xenergy Orange Fuel Energy Drink Review

Other than take the day off, I couldn't think of a better way to spend my favourite holiday than to review the last variety in one of my favourite lines, and that drink is xenergy Orange Fuel. Its can uses the better of the two designs possible, and the orange and black colour scheme is well balanced in that it appropriately permits greater emphasis on the latter colour. It gives the can a sleek appeal that's attractive as well as aggressive, and the vibrant orange obtains the eye's attention well, especially since it jumps vividly off the dark backdrop.

There's a strong tart and sour tangerine that's initially tasted, and it has a sharply authentic tang that imbues a firm sense of realism into the fruit. It isn't that the tangerine tastes false without it, as the minor sweetness does a laudable job in mimicking the natural fruit's sugariness, it's just that the tang instills a greater extent of authenticity. The prior then cascades majorly in strength, and a thick layer of sugar then is evident on your palate, but there's a mild tartness, that occasionally resembles sourness, that's salvaged from the prior tangerine, and it masks a large portion of the synthetic taste from the artificial sweeteners. The latter, unlike the past citrus, has a knowingly fake aura to it, and it tumors a sort of grainy texture that's enjoyably slight but doesn't aid it with any sort of verism. Effervescent froth then spikes in a fashion that's almost uncomfortably rough, and along with it is an insinuated orange flavour that's extremely simple and fake to the taste, but thankfully the just prior adoption of tart and sourness creates a manageable degree excitement and genuineness. Overall, xenergy Orange Fuel does a great job consistently fooling your mouth into thinking it actually contains both sugar and juice, when in reality it only contains chemical sweeteners and natural flavours.

The kick I received from Orange Fuel was just as impressive as past xenergys. I had around four hours of energy that was adorned by slight jitters but wasn't followed by a crash. Each can contains: caffeine, several B vitamins, guarana, ginseng, inositol, and taurine. All in all, xenergy Orange Fuel is one of the best examples of an overall great sugar free energy drink in recent memory.

official site

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