Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Gridlock Lo Carb Energy Drink Review

Gridlock Lo Carb is my first run in with Aldi's stab into the energy drink market, and while it avoids many of the pitfalls that store brand drinks tend to sink into, it still deeply looks generic and it lacks much of any real personality. For example, while the can does obviously have this whole sort of computer/tron kinda vibe, it also oddly gives off an almost religious ambiance, with only an addition sign as opposed to a cross, and it's inappropriate entirely with energy drinks in general. But lets say that you don't personally feel this spiritual aura, it could just be me, but then you're just left with a can that has a lot going on but offers little interesting for the eyes.

Gridlock Sugar Free's taste begins with a syrupy texture that's slightly oily on your palate, and the actual flavour is a familiar vanilla and bubble gum hybrid, with the vanilla being predominate, and the braid tastes entirely synthetic. A soured chemical taste that has since appeared slowly engulfs the former blend, and acts almost like a sort of atmosphere to it. This atmosphere doesn't cloak the earlier flavour but rather influences it slightly and edges your mouth with each sip. The drink's sourness is initially feeble but it gradually mutates into a stronger undercurrent that rises highly to the point of distinct acknowledgment as the experience finishes. The drink does one thing well with its flavour, and it's that the fake sweeteners used lack any distinct trace of the common artificial aftertaste, and they actually provide the flavours with a solid sweetening that isn't as shallow or as bland as some before it. But overall, Gridlock Lo Carb's taste offers very little unless you're in the mood for another uninspired Red Bull clone.

Each can contains: caffeine, taurine, ginseng, guarana, several B vitamins, and inositol. I felt decently energized fairly soon after total consumption, and it lasted for an acceptable three or so hours, and I didn't have any jitters nor did I crash. Overall, Gridlock Lo Carb can be found selling for the seemingly low price of $.99, perhaps even lower, but not its can, taste, or kick wholly justify that price.


  1. made my stomach feel like a sewer

  2. This stuff is terrible. It gave me the gut rot and oil butt.

  3. I had absolutely zero intestinal disturbances after drinking this. Maybe it was something you ate.

  4. after 5 days, one can a day my left inside of my mouth (gums) gets numb.

  5. My two teens and I all love it. Tastes way better than Monster. (We like the real deal, the lo carb tastes like butt)

  6. I thinks it tastes great, but the cool part is that it's $1.00 at Aldi's. Not $2.60 for (BLUE) MONSTER. Monster has always been my preferred E/D but you can't go wrong with this GRIDLOCK LO-CARB E/D.

  7. It had a distinct nose to it that was reminiscent of dirty feathers.. I'll skip drinking this energy drink ever again. I will take Wal-Mart's SLAP over this any day, for the exact same price.

  8. I have been a gridlock user for a couple of years now. At work (12hour shifts) I drink 2 of low carb cans a day. You can keep monster, dosent even compare anymore. When I have the day off, I drink 1 can in afternoon to keep me going through the mid-day blues. I Love this stuff!

  9. I have been drinkng low carb for over 2 years and I love it. 2 cans a work day(12hrs.) gives me the jump start in the morning and also early afternoon to get me throught the day. Dont even like the taste of Monster anymore. For 99 cents you cannot go wrong.

  10. I drank this and after 5 minutes my chest tighten up like it was being bear hugged. But hey it works.

  11. It is really sour, wow, that is a lot of citric acid! My stomach is making all kinds of growling noises after drinking it. Very funny description! I like it, though, I think it's kind of good.

  12. Monster got the contract to make this stuff it is Monster.

  13. I'm a little late to comment on this, but I thought it worth noting that Monster Energy actually has the contract to produce this for Aldi. Your review was borderline hilarious, considering this drink is literally just Monster Zero Ultra packaged under a store brand instead. Oh well.

  14. I visited an Aldi and found this stuff... was only a $1 and thought it a good substitution for Monster, if you're on a budget. ...These people complaining about 'gut rot' are being ridiculous. Totally work-able energy drink.
