Sunday, January 2, 2011

Endorush Blue Razz Fix Energy Drink Review

At a local grocery store, Endorush Blue Razz Fix sits among the regular energy drinks, despite being quite visually different from them. Other than price(which is $2.99), one of the first things you notice is the odd sixteen oz. bottle, opposed to the traditional can, and this gives it an extreme supplement sort of look. But the bottle's wide red background and the absence of any graphical design creates a boring look for the drink, and other than the fairly cool font the main logo uses, Endorush looks much less intimidating that I would expect.

The scent of unmade Jello fills your nose when Endorush's cap is removed, and upon first taste the flavour begins obviously artificial, with an initial chemical sharpness that directly leads to a much more pleasant candy blue raspberry taste, who's appropriately tart and slightly sour. The fruit is saccharine with little actual falseness to taste within the sugariness, but soon a cloying cotton candy flavour arrives. And although the earlier chemical quality hollows once the raspberry appears, the new flavour accession brings its own, albeit a weaker and thus more palatable, chemical taste. The cotton candy is actually a quite vibrant flavour that acts almost like a shot of excitement into the arm of the raspberry, and it remains halfway abyssal to it and it trails entirely. The cotton candy influenced raspberry has basin notes of a confection cherry and a red grape, and the former domineers slightly over the latter. No carbonation naturally implies the ease of sipping, and aside from the mild chemical taste, the fluid is just that. Overall, the taste was similar to that of Engage Blue Raspberry, however I much prefer the more complex and ardor taste of Endorush Blue Razz.

Each bottle of Endorush Blue Razz contains: caffeine(170mg), taurine, several B vitamins, and a whole variety of miscellaneous ingredients that would simply be too much to list. I had an increase of energy, along with a bit of a heightened alertness level, and this all lasted for around three or so hours. I had jitters and a bit of a crash once the three+ hours was up, and both were kinda surprising. In the end, Endorush Blue Razz Fix looks much more like a supplement than your average energy drink, and while the steep price of $2.99 and the plethora of ingredients imply just that, the actual performance was much more akin to your pedestrian energy drink.

official site

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