Saturday, January 1, 2011

Your Drink Sucks: 2010 Edition

It's that time of year again, the time when the Caffeine King singles out the worst of the worst and/or the highly disappointing. 2010, in retrospect, I feel was mostly filled with mediocre energy drinks, with a small selection of exceptional or terrible drinks, but don't worry, there is still enough bad to spread around.

*Note, these are not necessarily drinks that were released in 2010, but drinks that I reviewed in 2010.

Monster Absolutely Zero: Now to be perfectly honest, Monster Absolutely Zero isn't that bad of a drink, but it is a wholly unneeded one.

True Color Fruit Punch: What? How dare you say a boring looking, metallic tasting "energy" drink suck?!? Caffeine King, do you even know what you're talking about?

X-Treme Gladiator: X-Treme Gladiator is one of those energy drinks that may initially sound like a good deal at a modest $.99, but soon end up becoming a rip off at $.99 instead.

Game Juice Apple with Ginger: With nothing positive mentionable, Game Juice Apple with Ginger stands out as one of the worst ways I spent two dollars in 2010.

24:7 Sugar Free: With the removal of sugar from one of last years worst drinks, I should have guessed that 24:7 Sugar Free would have been so vapid.

amp Sugar Free Lightning: One of the few varieties that I reviewed in 2010 from the line that I named last year's worst, amp S/F Lightning was all around terrible.

ironclad Black and Blue: ironclad Black and Blue is honestly the black sheep of the line, as both of the other varieties were fairly impressive.

Rockstar Recovery: With its average at best kick, lackluster flavour, and chaotic can, Rockstar Recovery is a fine example of a disappointing energy drink.

red rain: If you were shocked to find that red rain sucked, than you clearly have no understanding of what a good energy drink is.

Howling Monkey Cola: Ouch, really less satisfying than a gumball? Well, I guess that really sealed the drink's fate at mention on this list.

FRS Low Cal Citrus Pomegranate: FRS Low Cal Citrus Pomegranate was not only disappointing but it also sucked, making it one of the years' last truly awful energy drinks.

Jolt Cola: I reviewed Jolt Cola early in the year, soon after I reviewed Jolt Blue Raspberry, and while I wrote that the latter had a strong chance at appearing on this list, I ultimately felt that Jolt Cola was more deserving of being mentioned.

Java Monster Chai Hai: Being one of the many failed attempts at reinventing the market by Monster, Chai Hai stands out as one of the worst products put out by the company.

rip it Sting-eR-Mo: rip it Sting-eR-Mo is the very definition of disappointing. Its taste was bland and derivative, and in a line that consistently churns out unique flavours, it was frustratingly unoriginal.

a.c.t. Energy: Putrid tasting, generic looking, and caffeine free, what's not to love? Aren't you proud a.c.t. Energy, you're officially the worst drink I reviewed in 2010!

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