Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pomx Vanilla Iced Coffee Review

I like the lighter brown used to colour Pomx Vanilla more so than I did the darker shade that the previously reviewed Cafe au Lait utilized. The albino-like brown, however, does blend blandly with all the white text that's scattered across the design, so while I do like the colour I do not like the effect it has on the bottle. But regardless, although I do not enjoy either of the mentioned bottles, I would like to stress my preference towards the minor alteration, which seems to be one of the only few changes with this second variety in the Pomx line.

A smooth mouth feel that seamlessly becomes lusciously creamy as the sip inches closer towards being consumed describes what's initially tasted. The fluid depicts a rich thickness that has an almost fudge-like buttery and velvety texture that almost nears being too much. The creaminess proclaims a highly saccharine tail that's influenced heavily of vanilla. The vanilla flavour is genuine and it benefits vastly thanks to both the aforementioned sweetness and creaminess. There's a vein of butterscotch that flows underneath the surface of the flavour body, however it at times resembles nothing more than a substantially sugared vanilla. There's not much actual coffee taste, per se, however there is a noticeable aura of the morning favourite found within each sip. The inoculated suggestion creates an experience not all too different from those high calorie frappes that are known by many different brand names. The actual coffee flavour has minimum acidity and next to no bitterness, which disappoints given that the previous variety tasted so much like the popular beverage. Overall, while the taste was impressively surfeited of savoury creaminess, Pomx Vanilla surprisingly and unfortunately has little presence of the "great coffee flavour" that the bottle boasted so proudly.

The product contains an impressive 175 mg of caffeine, which is quite large for a bottle that's only ten point five ounces. I had around three hours of energy, which I began to notice fairly soon after the bottle was emptied. I had some instances of jitters but there wasn't any crash. Overall, Pomx Vanilla is certainly less impressive than Cafe au Lait before it, if only because the latter's stronger coffee flavour gave it a unique identity amongst energy coffees.

official site

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