Thursday, June 23, 2011

Kronik Entourage Energy Drink Review

Orange seems to be an inheritably difficult colour to utilize, but Kronik did quite an admiral job, as the light shade is complemented pleasantly by the pitch black. The silly slogan referencing one of the most well known catch phrases is cliche but funny regardless, and this humor should feel out of place, but it's this constant struggle between hardcore and comedy that ultimately gives it personality.

A soft tangerine is noted and tastes ripe and tangy, though it doesn't declare tart or sourness in any capacity. The drink's sweetness is entirely appropriate for the fruit, but it sadly is bluntly syrupy, and this eventually clogs the throat, especially with the few last sips. There's a soulless pineapple and lifeless passion fruit that blend into an equally callous braid that aimlessly roams the basement below the predominate flavour. It doesn't taste excited therefore it does not excite the tongue, and it actually acts as more of a handicap to the neighbors. Mango also emerges though it is choked by the cloying saccharinity, but the fruit is thankfully still able to imbue not only complexity to the sugar but also depth to the major citrus. Unfortunately though, the fruit doesn't fulfill its potential as it isn't ever singularly or completely tasted; it is only ever noticed stitched to something that hinders it or it is placed near something else to act as an enhancer. Overall, Kronik Entourage's flavour lacks the focus and the appreciation for the fruits that the best with such a flavour possess.

Each can contains: taurine, vitamin C, guarana, various B vitamins, inositol, and caffeine(150mg). The latter ingredient's amount is rather substandard but it does get of the job done, and the kick lasted a decent two and a half hours. Overall, Kronik Entourage doesn't disappoint because the bar wasn't set terribly high by previous varieties, but it is hard not to feel like the beverage's fullest capability wasn't reached.

official site

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