Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Sugar Free Neutron Energy Drink Review

The simple fact is that Sugar Free Neutron just isn't all too pretty, with the horribly cliche slogan and unappealingly childish science theme. The latter is especially an issue, as it the designers could and should have at least tried to make the can something adults wouldn't mind being seen with.

The flavour is a myriad of fruits, with a brazen though not exclusive focus on citrus. Lime and lemon are audacious in strength but are cluttered together with dry notes of honeydew melon and cantaloupe, and there's a flagrant yet muffled red grape that acts as the tree trunk of the experience, with the other flavours branching off of it. It mildly influences each participating fruit but they predominately boast their own unique identity, and although the grape tastes as hollowly realistic as any subtending, it adds such depth and is surprisingly complementing. A tart and sourness follow and are dually powdery, and they never make an attempt at actualizing the five fruits, either individually or as a group, however their existence, as well as the general experience, feels natural and organic even if none of the participating tastes do. Overall, the flavour is bold and indubitably intricate, and even though it isn't to be hailed as one of the best, its impressively lively taste is far more enjoyable than it is not.

Neutron's ingredient cocktail is almost meretriciously displayed in clear text, with none of this energy blend crap we're used to and unfortunately accept. But that's not to say that the kick was stunning or unmatched, as it was on par with any four hour buzz without jitters. All in all, Sugar Free Neutron Energy makes a pretty bad first impression, though it certainly improves if you can look past its cosmetic ugliness.

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