Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kronik Dragon Berry Energy Drink Review

Hm, energy drinks don't grow on trees, you say? Well colour me surprised, and I can assure you that I'll never buy into those sure-to-be-scam energy drink plant seeds. But in all seriousness, the actual can is quite good, with the popular red and black colour scheme working wonders here, and the clean aggressive look is a great complement to it. It's wholly a classic design, one that unblushingly attempts to xerox what others have done prior, and it's sure to garner attention from those to whom it wants.

The critic inside me has bashed the previous full calorie varieties of Kronik, but this is one that avoids such a fate. The carmine pink substance is brazenly syrupy but it doesn't cloy, and the product's saccharinity is demurely present. Strawberry is the subjugating flavour, and there are implications of raspberry and the namesake dragon berry. The paramount flavour is a rather simple description of the fruit, and it leans more towards the candied interpretation with a charmingly gentle sweetness and little tartness. The other two aforementioned berries are also unornamented representations, however the raspberry specifically feels shallow with no sort of distinction to imbue into the experience. The pitaya is similarly shoal, but it displays a more robust and intricate complexion that fools the palate into falsely identifying likewise tasting fruits, namely pear and kiwi, thus it averts taedium. The reticent sugariness is doubtlessly the most laudable aspect, as it sanctions the preceding fruits to secure both veritableness and a honeyed characteristic, while it most positively desists from over satiating. Because of this, and that the presence of real sugar is instantly detected, the fruits appear as maturely mild comfits of their respected inspirations rather than childish confections of the such.

A sixteen ounce can produces a two plus hour buzz of medium strength. The sixty grams of sugar certainly caused jitters, and there was only a slight noticing of a crash. Other ingredients include: caffeine(150mg), taurine, inositol, guarana, and many B vitamins of various quantities. In the end, Kronik Dragon Berry doesn't impress not because it isn't somewhat enjoyable, but because for it to ever succeed at becoming a major player, it needs to offer a thoughtful coherence that isn't found in its competition, and not the same uneven quality they produce.

official site

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