Sunday, July 17, 2011

Outburst Chocolate Mint Energy Bites Review

Outburst Chocolate Mint is the last in the line, and its box is as ordinary as any before it. The green does inject some pleasant colour into the design, and while the container doesn't succumb to the common case of cluttering, it certainly has very little going for it. It gets the job done, but it doesn't feel as if it wants to exclusively catch the eye from the other products that are also battling for attention.

The core to the product is chocolate, though it is cased within a pretty green layer of mint, and finally there's the expected candy lamination. The chocolate may appear in a rather meager amount, but it is enough to give the second coating a great cocoa butteriness and some appreciated relief from the almost overwhelming peppermint. The just former, though, dejectedly makes use of hydrogenated oil, which give each bite a slight cheap and greasy mouth feel. But fortunately the two flavours identified are orchestrated playfully and almost beautifully, though the use of milk chocolate instead of the common dark is baffling and quite detrimental to the experience. The robust and bitterness of dark chocolate is such a contrast to the saccharine minty filling, which is why many utilize the combination. But unfortunately for Outburst, the unintelligible decision to craft with milk chocolate, which is far sweeter and less complex, renders the confection as too sugary and near cloyingly so, although this doesn't interfere with having only four or so pieces. Overall, though it's more courageous than the Peanut variety, it doesn't taste as carefully conceived.

Each box contains: caffeine(240mg), taurine, and a few B vitamins. The kick was of the four hour variety expected, and the occasional jitter was certainly perceived. Overall, Chocolate Mint completes the Outburst trilogy, but it dismally was not able to close the line with complete satisfaction.

official site

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