Thursday, August 4, 2011

Firestar Ice Mint Max Energy Powder Review

Firestar Ice Mint really comes in two versions, with one having half the caffeine as the other, but because the two have the same alleged flavour, the higher caffeinated variant is the only one that is to be reviewed. Its packaging is blue with lighter blue flames circling the logo, which itself has a rather nice silver and yellow graphic. There is also a good degree of text to be read, but it isn't relentless, and so while the eyes are kept busy, the design never looks congested.

The grains are distinct but soon melt, and they taste starkly of mint, though it isn't as cooling as it sometimes can be. The flavour profile is actually alike spearmint, though only far stronger than what gum companies makes one used to, and the infrigidation is most similar peppermint. But the latter is actually a blend of spear and water mint, so the perceived taste is understandable. After the palate's first encounter with the coarse powder, your throat is largely chilled by the menthol of the flavour, and as you experience more sugar crumbs the sensation intensifies and engulfs wholly. It, however, never reaches an unpleasant strength, and the two and a half gram supply per sachet is exhausted rapidly and unfortunately so. Overall, Firestar Ice Mint Max is wonderful to eat and is well crafted even if mint is a rather unexciting flavour.

There isn't any mention of exactly how much caffeine is contained, outside the mention that it's as powerful as two cups of strong coffee. But with that and the previous flavour in mind, it's fine to estimate about 200 milligrams. The kick lasted four or so hours, with some jitters and no crash. All in all, Firestar Ice Mint Max is sharply executed and contains no real flaws, but personally the general taste of mint isn't a favourite.

official site

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