Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Rockstar Coconut Water Energy Drink Review

Rockstar Coconut Water took me by surprise when I first heard of it, and it's  still making me scratch my head. All this talk about the "greatness" that is coconut water hasn't really interested me, as I feel coconuts and its water should be left to my stereotyped vision of Hawaii. Moving on, the can to my right is visually no better than any of the company's previous "hydration" efforts, and although the can is as disorganized as ever, I must admit to sorta liking the peculiar colour choice.

This isn't carbonated but it is sugared, something of a first for this spin off line. The drink reeks of absolutely nothing, but the taste is as distinct if not as unfocused as its can. There is an abundance of commotion to each sip, and the famously fatty fruit is oily textured and slippery at times. The actual flavour is mild, though, and is that of actual coconut water, each can being ten percent, and is comparably sweet to any found in your supermarket's Latin foods aisle. Each exposure to the rather bland thickness, however, impairs the casualness of the experience, as it overwhelms and forces one to suffer slowly through the mostly niche and somewhat mainstream flavour. Rockstar Coconut Water does in fact taste like what its name warns of, but it won't change your, or my, existing opinion of the fad beverage.

Each can of this novelty contains: 160mg of caffeine, taurine, ginseng, and various B vitamins. The ten percent juice is most likely there for its "hydration" gimmick, though the small percentage doubtfully does much good, and it probably doesn't aid in its three or so hour long buzz. In the end, I'm sorry Rockstar, but you do not have a lovely bunch of coconuts.

official site


  1. This is without a doubt the worst thing I have come to drink in my lifetime. Do not waste your money. - The average guy who knows drinks.

  2. Being a person who loves coconut and Rockstar, I rather like this myself. I drink it all the time, and I mix it into my protein shake in the morning to give that extra coconut flavor and boost.

  3. Coconut Water may not appeal to everyone's taste buds, but my body felt so good after the first can, that I ran out and bought more of it to keep in in stock. I get a "cleaner" lift - my thinking feels clearer and my energy level increases naturally - without the caffeine jitters. This is by far the healthiest of the Rockstar Energy Drinks. Please keep making Coconut Water! You can leave out the sucrose and put in more coconut juice as far as I'm concerned. The people that will complain are probably sugar addicts, anyway, so don't listen to them. I love this stuff!

  4. I love this stuff. I just tried it for the first time yesterday and for the first time ever I actually felt an energy boost from it. I also felt a lot more focused and this stuff really does hydrate. I was peeing every hour or so, about as much as I would be if I had been drinking water which really shocked me.

  5. Rockstar please bring this to Canada I love coconut water and Id buy this all the time

  6. Nope...not for me....not good at all

  7. What an atrocious review by Philip Michael! Learn how to write before fattening your audience on inept adjectives.

  8. I agree with Molloy. It reads as though the author wrote the article and then went back and stuck in adjectives in order to make it "edgy".

  9. I drank two sips and then a third sip, spit out the third sip and threw away the rest of the can. Yuck.

  10. I don't need to be an english professor to know this stuff sucks!

  11. If you don't feel this energy boost, you are a crackhead. If you feel like you need to run, vomit, and poop your pants simultaneously after drinking then you are probably normal. Tastes like suntan lotion, aftertaste is nearly coconutty. All of which I mean in the nicest way possible, I might try it again when I can't get any meth for my next rave.

  12. Best drink on the market. Tastes great and gives good energy.

  13. lol "the Averayge Guy who KNOWS drinks..." If you like the sugary taste, I guess it would be the worst, but it is NOT. its REFRESHING.

  14. Pour it into a glass and put it into the FREEZER for about 45 min. Best Slusshie/Icee Ever... Add some Rum if you like and Take over the World. This is an Awesome Energy drink.

  15. Loving this new Rockstar! At times I get a slight rum flashback of the good ole days, but still great! If the color and "hydration" stamp on the can makes you feel great, then placebo me!

  16. Yeah, just discovered this stuff a few days ago and me and my wife both love it. Very refreshing and doesn't taste like an "energy drink"

    Plus, I'm really digging the color of the can.

  17. I just love it. I can not find it no where in the Houston area. I bought a can in route to Michigan and sorry I'd only purchased one can. Need plenty more!

  18. Loving this new Rockstar!Just can't find it in Baytown, Texas!

  19. Love this drink bought cases averaged 10 a day but now can't find them in salt lake city Utah or are far and few between

  20. I love it too! But the reason you can't find it is because not enough lovers. They aren't making it anymore. :(

  21. Wow! Just found Rockstar Coconut water and I absolutely love it! I sure hope they haven't discontinued it, I just found it! Love the fact that it is uncarbonated and it is coconut water. I agree with an above post about putting more coconut juice. Love it, love it, love it!

  22. Love it, love it, love it! Please keep it, I just found it! Finally a Rockstar I can stand to drink!
