Friday, January 13, 2012

MiO Energy Green Thunder Review

What “Green Thunder” actually means is beyond me, and it is most curious that this Mio variety gets a creative name, where as the other only has a generic “Black Cherry” moniker. And while the red of the latter was a bit better to the eye than so is this marriage of the blue and yellow primaries, the green really pops off of the black regardless of my preference.

Two squirts and the clear, two cup glass of water is now died bright green, though it remains translucent as ever. The resulting flavour is incredibly weak, though, tasting something of a diluted citrus, naming no specific fruits or displaying any secondary characteristics. But four fun squeezes is when the beverage begins to form into its own, with a sharp pierce of sourness cutting into the still unspecified fruit blend. Lemon and lime are probably involved, perhaps some pineapple added in for complexity matters, and who knows, there is likely a pinch of guava to each sip, but never expect anything to find its feet and stand up out of the crowd. Few ounces remain and your throat is thick with this syrupy solution, one that is comparably sweet to Mtn. Dew, albeit all synthetic sugars, but this self service concentrate is as good, though personally better, tasting than the Black Cherry variety.

I ultimately utilized four splashes, yielding a caffeine content of about 240mg, with some taurine, ginseng, guarana, and B vitamins thrown in for good measure. The kick will vary, obviously, but mine was four and a half hours, with no jitters to boot. Overall, Mio Green Thunder is the little line's best simply because of its taste.

official site


  1. I bought "Green Thunder" yesterday at the store to my opinion it taste like cough syrup. I will stick to the non-energy kind.

  2. Agreed with above comment

  3. mio needs to advertise the caffeine content in these drinks. The other day i was reading the back and it shows how much per serving for ginseng, niacin etc..and then says everything else doesnt have a significant ammount(including caffeine) yet theres as much caffeine as a cup of coffee for every half teaspoon squitred in your drink.

  4. I have of yet tried any of the other flavors, but Green Thunder is absolutely a good choice for me. as for the other comments on it tasting like cough syrup, I have never had cough syrup taste this good.
    Green Thunder gives a really good boost when you need it, and it lasts for a few hours. This is a must have for anyone who works 3rd shift such as me.

    1. I hear u brother on the 3rd shift........I'm 42 and just got back to industrial maintenance on 3rd. I forgot how damn tired u stay. I have not used mio yet but plan on trying it tonight

  5. Thanks for listing the caffeine amount. I will try this.

  6. It says 60 mgs of caffine per serving right on the bottle.

  7. Can anyone tell me where can I buy this product? I live Brooklyn New York. Thanks.

  8. You can find them in your local 7/11. I bought one today and there's a $1 off coupon hanging right next to the product. I didn't even notice the coupon but the employee use it for me. Save $1 is nice.

  9. Beware that the bottles of MIo Energy purchased at a 7/11 or convenience store are only 1.08 ounces (12 servings) for about $3.99. While the ones purchased a grocery store or Target/Walmart are 1.62 ounces (18 servings).

  10. I bought mine from Walmart and it is still 1.08 oz.

  11. I bought mio green thunder and took it before my insanity work out and I didnt notice a difference

  12. Green Thunder is horrible it tastes like generic Red Bull. The cherry energy is pretty good though.

  13. Mio is a joke! I damn near drank the whole bottle and absolutely nothing happened...ill stick to lo Carb monster...

  14. I've had the black cherry, which was pretty good, and I love the non-energy Fruit Punch. When I was at Walmart the other day, they had neither of my faves, so looking at the other options, seeing Watermelon and Strawberry Kiwi, I figured I'd opt for the mystery flavor of Green Thunder, lol. I figured it would be some kind of lemon-lime concoction, but upon the first bottle... Well it tastes like bubble gum to me, lol. Perhaps I put too much in it, but yeah, it's gonna take me a while to get through this first bottle... LOL!

  15. I mix my green thunder, or any flavor for that matter, with carbonated water. I'm off soda and this makes a great alternative. I can't identify exactly what flavor it replaces, but it's working to replace that soda fix.

  16. i have tried both of the flavors of mio energy. i have tried many kinds of energy drinks, shots etc... I dont really feel i got much of an energy boost from this product and crashed after only an hour or so harder than i have every crashed off any energy supplement.

  17. I absolutely cant stand the taste of green thunder but I love the boost of energy it gives I was experimenting and I did this....put a lot of the energy in then I put in a few drops of another regular flavor.... this helped and tasted pretty damn good

  18. I used the restroom shortly after drinking green thunder... could swear that it was glowing. Anyone else 'shrek' the porcelain god?

  19. I love green thunder I can not find it in any stores they always sell out of the green bring more back ASAP LLLLLOVE it

  20. I found this website while searching for where I could complain to Mio for wasting my money! I just bought it and it tastes like nasty cough syrup medicine nasty *@!* I will never even think about buying this flavor again. I have had the normal mio orange flavor and that is good but I don't know what they where thinking putting this product on the shelves, disgusting.

  21. I was trying to figure out the flavor of the green thunder I just tried today and was kind of lost. But then while poking around online looking I popped some sweet tarts in my mouth and started chewing and it really reminded me of the drink! I don't care for it though. All the ones i have tried have such a sweet kick to them I can barely stand it.I love the tea but I mix in a little squeeze of the lemonade and it actually takes away the too sweet taste.

  22. Look on the side of the package and it states 60mg per 1/2 teaspoon. This is not the same as a cup of coffee which your standard can variety is about 100mg per cup. I love Green Thunder, but I measure my amounts. 1 Serving is for 8oz of water so make sure you are matching the serving size to the amount of water. With this flavor just squirting it in will generally yield an over concentrated taste. MIO is HIGHLY concentrated which is why it takes so little to give the flavor. I suggest getting an actual 1/2 teaspoon measuring spoon and an 8oz glass of water and try that, if it's too bland then add a little more to your taste but measure it before you make your decision on flavor.

  23. Prefer Cherry myself. Agree with another post... it will take a while to get through this one.

  24. Here is California you can get it is the 99 cent store. The MioEnergy green thunder. Plenty of it too.

  25. In my opinion, the green thunder Mio energy taste like watered-down redbull. Another drink that i cant stand the taste of. I'll just stick to the black cherry.

  26. I have 2 servings (120ml caffeine total) on social night events and I was able to get off drinking alcohol (I am energetic and chatty).

    I get these at the 99 cent store.

    If that isn't a win I don't know what is.

    Love both flavors.

  27. I enjoyed a lot reading this weblog. I prefer green drink for my health.

  28. Taste is a completely subjective thing so arguing about it is pointless. What tastes awesome for one person may taste like crap to another. I personally don't care for it and I've got a good tolerance to caffeine. I wouldn't recommend this for people who need higher amounts of caffeine.

  29. Just a comment for anyone bitching about toxicity and overdose: Caffeine products, if banned, will take not just Mio off the shelves as it is, at least, but also Coke, Pepsi, Dr. Pepper, Mountain Dew, etc. If anyone is stupid enough to overdose on caffeine they are getting what they deserve ... How many people overdo it with coffee? Alot. Should we ban that, too? Let's get real, ok? If you can't handle these, do not drink them - and quit being so unwilling to accept personal responsibility by blaming the manufacturer and not your own unimformed selves ... For Christ's sake, the teenage girl that died after drinking two Monsters had a pre-existing heart condition ... Wake up, people ...

  30. Me personally I dislike the juice. It has a very strange taste like when you first try grapefruit for the first time. I bought one today after school, the moment it went into my mouth I wanted to spit it back out. Maybe it's just my taste buds...

  31. will 4 year old Mio Energy hurt me?

  32. "died"....really?
    How about "dyed?"

  33. I love ALL the MIO ENERGY flavors-the red,blue,and green (black cherry,blue citrus and green thunder) are my favorites. I think the green thunder has some kiwi flavoring. I also like the apple orchard from the b-vitamins line. And there’s an orange/vanilla one with caffeine/b-vitamins too that’s real good. So I have these to use along with Rockstar’s Pure Zero line (watermelon is blazin) to get my day started. I like to have a wide variety to choose from each day so I don’t get sick of one. And I don’t feel any type of crash afterwards. I just use common sense and don’t overdue it-too much will get you jittery and I take days off from taking when it’s a slow easy day. It sure beats drinking hot-ass coffee on a hot-ass day. But personally I for one really like Green Thunder. To each it’s own.

  34. 24 ounces water, 3 squirts lemonade, 2 squirts orange tangerine, 1 squirt lemon-lime. Closest thing to mountain dew I've found.
