Monday, January 9, 2012

Rockstar Energy Gum Review

Though I haven't particularly liked many of Rockstar's recent appearances, this “iced mint” flavoured gum actually looks really good. Found at a dive of a convenience store, this black boxed chewing product sports surprisingly fluidity, thanks mostly to the absolute lack of any real clutter. Sure, perhaps there is one or two unnecessary words present, but the bulging, almost three dimensional logo really keeps your eyes from ever wondering off.

The first few dozen chews are purely your mouth struggling to soften the initially stiff material, but things are much better once it becomes supple. The texture is never grainy; always smooth and lackadaisically so, and the gum remains as malleable as ever, even well after the flavour dissipates. But speaking of which, the taste is much milder than anticipated, with the exception of the initial herbal explosion once the hard substance surrenders to your jaw. This moment is when it resembles peppermint the most, cloaking the organics rather well, but it quickly mutates to something more along to the lines of spearmint, with it aiding in the experience's relaxed persona. Overall, my hat is off to Rockstar Energy Gum's flavour.

Each piece contains forty milligrams of caffeine, some taurine, inositol, and a slew of B vitamins. Each serving is twice that amount, equaling it to an eight ounce energy drink. I chewed four sections, translating to 160mg, giving me a kick nothing more impressive than any three hour one from anything else available. In the end, however, this is one of the better caffeinated gums my gums have had the pleasure experiencing.

official site

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