Wednesday, November 14, 2012

V8 V-Fusion Orange Pineapple Energy Drink Review

V8 must have little faith in their quaint line of V-Fusion energy drinks, because I was completely unaware of their Orange Pineapple flavor until I was just strolling down the juice isle of Wal Mart. And I even initially believed this to be their Peach Mango variety, considering how similar the two's cans are. But this can is a bit more balanced with its text and visuals not blurring into the background, but  it took an unnecessary moment to decide it was a completely new drink.

Artificial sugars and no carbonation result in this V8 drinking dully and sipping without verve. The two fruits are exhausted and poorly sweetened, and the orange especially flounders without the slightest tartness. Apples were utilized to reach the herald fifty percentage of juice, however it distracts from the milder pineapple and never complements the orange. It dilutes any personality potentially reached otherwise, and the autumn picked produce gives each gulp and everything tasted the same taste. There is no character development in this plodding product, a completely drinkable drink that is discouragingly dimensionless.

The energy cocktail to this Campbell Soup Company product reads as follows: caffeine (eighty milligrams probably from the green tea), vitamin C, and some B vitamins. Any kick derived lacked the strength we are all accustomed to, but after a couple cans your caffeine craving is satisfied (but your tongue will not be).

official site

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