Saturday, December 8, 2012

Monster Cuba-Lima Energy Drink Review

Holding the can is fantastic, a matte and distinct texture makes this one of the company's best feeling cans. Unfortunately there is not much for the eyes, outside the (overly) familiar "M" and the lime wedge hardly seen in the bottom right. It is a return to simplicity of sorts, but unlike most, Monster can successfully pack a lot on a can without ever cluttering or losing focus, so it is a bit disappointing to see visual creativity sacrificed for the palm's pleasure.

Having just reviewed a cola last time with XS Black Cherry Cola Blast, my palate was not particularly excited for another. But first sip confirms the brand's crazy ambitions, a lime-centric flavor, sweet medicinal notes of vanilla and vague suggestions of apple following suit. The citrus is vibrant but never sour, but the succeeding more closely resembles the traditional energy drink taste rather than a cola. They need some spice, perhaps cinnamon or cloves, and far less sugariness before it could fool the tongue into believing this is the popular soda flavor. The carbonation is appropriately rough but the beverage drinks uncharacteristically smooth, either a positive and a negative depending on which is more important: attempted consistency or rippleless mouthfeel. As you reach the end of the can, the caramel colored mocktail begins to resemble any ol' can of "Green" Monster, losing any of its, albeit misguided, singularity along the way.

The energy derived is derivative but decent, lasting the expected three or so hours without fail or crash. Each can contains: caffeine (160 mg), sugar, taurine, guarana, inositol, B vitamins, ginseng, l-carnitine, among some others. Overall, Cuba-Lima ultimately and unexpectedly becomes just another formulaic Monster release.

official site

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