Saturday, December 22, 2012

Red Bull The Red Edition Energy Drink Review

"Red Bull The Red Edition" is quite possibly the stupidest sounding energy drink. Of all time, not just in recent memory or of 2012; it is redundant and confusing and reads poorly. Its can is the best of the recent flavors however, a crisp crimson color and shiny silver that is remarkably clean and painless on the eyes, aside from its moronic moniker.

The flavor here is an unenthused cranberry, a subdued taste without any inaugural depth and without much sweetness. Thankfully present is tartness, an acidity that puckers the tongue with each sip. It is easily the best part of the beverage, with a flavor hardly noticeable and ounces that pass by uninterestingly. Eventually gulps begin to actually resemble the versatile berry, some complexities soon surfacing and something of a cherry looms in, albeit far too late into the experience. The carbonation burns like seltzer water, and the dry taste offers no help. It comes off bitter, a halfway realistic take on the fruit that is too uneven to be many's favorite.

I had energy lasting no more than two hours, with each can containing: caffeine (eighty milligrams), taurine, and inositol. The ingredient cocktail is paltry and less ambitious than it should be, and in retrospect, so is the drink. Scratch that, so is the whole trilogy of  "Color Editions." Heck, so is the entire line!

official site

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