Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Swagger Chupacabra Orange Mango Energy Drink Review

The can here is decent; the vertical orange stripe is slimming and looks pretty sharp so bright against all the black. And the little guy there, the chupacabra, shows both innocence and an edge in its simplicity. The fonts are another story, however, the word "Swagger" typed in generic gangster font. "Put a little swagger in you?" How about not?

The flavor is fantastic! Real sugar has every foudroyant sip sporting real weight and depth, harmony and pleasure from the modest nineteen grams of the sweet stuff per serving. Orange and mango take the show here, a brilliant braid with superb tartness and preeminent verisimilitude. Nuance of pineapple and grapefruit saturate each imbibe, themselves genuine and escalating the experience from great to greater. The mouthfeel is inspired and interesting despite there being no actual juice, each splash of this translucent cooler grainy, thick and never syrupy. Flaccid creativity carelessly replaced by stoic vividness and potency, this is nothing we have not tasted dozens of times before. But every passionate swig has us reminded why this experience gets parodied so frequently. There are thousands of energy drinks sitting on store shelves, but this is one instance when that store should not have been Job Lots. This taste deserves better.

Each can contains: carnitine, guarana, taurine, caffeine, and B vitamins, among others. The buzz proves to be this beverage's weak spot, more so than its stock aluminum transport, a kick lasting two and a half hours. In the end, Swagger Chupacabra Orange Mango drinks better than it performs or looks. But for the handful of change it ran me, I will take it.

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