Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Bang Candy Apple Crisp Energy Drink Review

It has been just about three years since the Bang brand first came across my desk, with their Sour Heads variety; today, just about every store has an entire shelf of their energy drink retail space dedicated to the company's numerous offerings. Unfortunately, their aggressive expansion is unguided, as their lethargic design offers little room for differentiation; there is little color distinction between flavors, leading me to paw over each sixteen ounce can looking for a new release.

Apple is one of the more popular flavors of energy drinks, for no good honestly- most companies insist on imbuing their potables with excessive candy influences with little regard to the produce faithful. Bang's attempt here falls smack dab in the middle of the road, perhaps only impressive for masking 300 milligrams of caffeine and a slew of other supplements. Other admirable actions involve the its hyper-sourness, having a fresh, almost earthy bite that simulates the sensation of biting into one of the red or green stemmed spheres with relaxed ease. Its a tartness that crawls up the back of your throat with every sip, until it engulfs your entire mouth, soaked down to the tips of your teeth in the sour supremacy. But it is a one-note experience, sips build exclusively for the aforesaid without any regard for balance or nuance. This blindness leaves the sweetness to grow out of control, lead by the sole sweetener sucralose, if the back of the can is being read correctly. It challenges not only the other elements but also your patience for gulping diet sugars in excess.

We have a lot of caffeine to play with here, and the resulting three and a half hour kick is a wonderful perk-up in the morning. Other ingredients include: B vitamins, arugula extract, amino acids, and super creatine. Overall, Bang Candy Apple Crisp, recommended to me by the guy stocking Target shelves, ain't bad.

official site

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