Friday, March 20, 2015

Rockstar Roasted With Almond Milk Caffe Latte Energy Coffee Review

More coffee and almond milk from Rockstar, this Roasted variety is of the nubilous "caffe latte," and I am too tired to remember how that is different from any other foreign coffee concoction. Its can is just as attractive as the Light Vanilla devastation, but let us just hope what is inside tastes better than its diet predecessor.

Swirl the sludge about and watch in terror at the fatless fluids fail to cling to the walls of the cup, resembling black coffee in everything except color and taste. Each Sanka-like sip of the gossamer sepia solution punches through your teeth the pungencies of burnt coffee and bitter chocolate. Its tepid texture disgusts coffee consumers with the rarefied mouthfeel of bottled water, save for the gritty sweetness that is more gritty than sweet. The caliginous brown mud lacks the saccharinity of its twenty two grams, unexpectedly astringent and synthetic from the adverse addition of ace-k and sucralose. Astonishingly awful, Rockstar outdid itself and its competition here and brewed fifteen ounces of pure amaroidal displeasure.

Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, inositol, ginseng, guarana, and 225 milligrams of caffeine. I like that last part, and Rockstar usually delivers with a pretty rocking buzz, pun intended, and this potable is no different. It lasted four hours, for you of those who care, but ended with a small crash. In the end the verbosely titled "Rockstar Roasted With Almond Milk Energy + Coffee Caffe Latte" sets a new benchmark for bad taste. Its can and kick? Those fortunately are pretty good.

official site

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