Saturday, January 2, 2016

Joker Mad Energy Drink Review

Joker, Joker, Joker, it has been a long time. Seven years since the last review and nine since the review of this variety, if you can even call those reviews. Now exclusive to Circle-K stores like the long-forgotten GAzZU line, Joker's resurrection retains the playful spirit of the original Hansen creation with only a slight renovation of the can, standing fairly well out from the competitors on the same shelf. A two-for-three deal help, too.

Lots of vanilla and bubble attack the palate upon first swig, with a strong, nethermost taste of tart apple and some distant powdery cotton candy. The individual sapors are distinctly their own, but blend together rather well and craft that familiar flavor with a slight pace only its own. It is all very chemical, very sour and extremely sweet; HFCS and sucralose doing the sweetening for a gut-busting total of sixty four grams of the crystalline substance. Each cadaverous sip after the next reminds us that this is a generic energy drink, a cheaper version of its famous neighbors on the chill chest shelf.

Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, ginseng, inositol, guarana, and 162 milligrams of caffeine. A anemic two-ish hour buzz is all ya get out of here, with a bit of a sugar crash afterword. All in all, Joker Mad Energy is far from the worst energy drink, far from the worst store-brand energy drink, hell it is far from the worst way you could spend your buck fifty on. But that does not make it any good.


  1. Ron Jeremy likes it so it has to be good...

  2. Does it taste like the old Joker Mad Energy? or did they change the formula?
