Sunday, January 10, 2016

No Fear Citrus Energy Drink Review

The No Fear brand's six year lacuna ends with a bright yellow color atop a familiar design. Purchased for a cool seventy five cents, one could not help but grab each of the several varieties the scrubby grocery store was selling. Its can comes with only a few modifications since we last witnessed a review, with paint blotches in the aforementioned color to brighten up otherwise state hardcore visuals.

No Fear Citrus has a super sweetness that assaults your tongue as your first sip washes over your palate. The flavor to all this sugariness is full-on lemonade, a completely candied take on the tart vegetation. Each sip is heavy on the tongue, a marvelous weight thanks to the incipiently silky saccharinity, but soon the sixty six grams breaks down into a syrupy, grainy mess, clogging and choking the throat with every imbibe. Having no fear with adding empty calories, HFCS is the culprit of the waning cassonade, the infamous declasse carbohydrate that preforms with admirable class only to depart its passion halfway through. In the end, No Fear Citrus is 100% drinkable, but it is uneven and unimpressive considering the brand's long hiatus.

Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, inositol, caffeine (eighty milligrams per eight ounce serving), guarana, ginseng, l-carnitine, grape seed extract and l-arginine. The buzz is uninspired, lasting two and a half hours, ending with a quite nasty crash despite revving up with ease. Overall, No Fear Citrus marks the return of the company with more of a bleat than a bang.


  1. I like the 'No Fear' line... they sell it at Market Basket.

  2. I love no fear its the best drink on the planet
