Saturday, November 12, 2022

Mati Passion Fruit Healthy Energy Drink Review

Mati Passion Fruit's biggest visual virtue is its lack of clutter; text is sparse, and the small spurts of purple help convince your eyes of its fruit focus without ever reading the small flavor indication at the bottom. Sure, the graphic is cartoony and an unappetizing depiction of the seeded tropics denizen, but I guess you have to take the positives with the negatives.

This is without a doubt the best Mati reviewed here, but you could never tell from your first sip or two. Your mouth curls at this amaroidal inauguration, but your palate becomes accustomed to the astringent aberration with each passing imbibe. But beneath the acerbic introduction is a showcase of gentle passion fruit, its sourness so shy and its sweetness so sheepish that you find yourself turning sips into gulps as you try and savor more of the flavor. By this point our twelve ounce can contains only a few more, and the bitterness becomes little more than a distraction from the main event, the passion fruit now more bold and demonstrating a more potent tartness and saccharinity; nothing that will rival your common energy drink, but are more than welcome developments after the initiatory quaffs.

Each can contains some vitamin C, but I came for the 150 or so milligrams of caffeine, or so the internet reads. The kick is fairly potent however, lasting just above two hours. On the whole, while the jury is still out on whether or not Mati Passion Fruit is "healthy," it sure is tasty, and that is all I cared about today.

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