Friday, November 4, 2022

Dr. Enuf Cherry Herbal Review

What is this in the photo to the right: an energy drink? I do not know, it lists itself an "herbal beverage," cherry flavored too but let us not get ahead of ourselves. The original Dr. Enuf proudly called itself "the original energy booster," but that line is missing here. We still have caffeine and B vitamins, so what gives?

The glass bottle has a wonderful feeling in the hand, sturdy like it could break your toe if it were to slip from your hands by the dewy condensation on the container. Flavor-wise however, this is a pretty unpleasant potable, leaning far too heavily towards the herbal rather than the cherry. It has a bite that immediately clamps down on your tongue, wringing it unconscious by the time you head for a second mouthful. The earthy funk does not linger however, resulting in something of a clean aftertaste, but look, we have twelve ounces to go through, and I do not think my poor palate can make it. The sweetness, forty five grams of pure cane sugar, cannot handle the experience, beaten and bruised by the time you ever can notice any actual saccharinity. This is a shame to drink.

The internet continues to not offer much information on how much caffeine we have here, but my body did detect a buzz, so that is something I guess. On the whole, Dr. Enuf Cherry Herbal, if that is your real name, is not something I could or would recommend.

company site

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