Friday, September 8, 2017

Rockstar Revolt Killer Black Cherry Energy Drink Review

Rockstar Revolt Killer Black Cherry is a joyless looking energy drink, using the same template the company has used for years. At this point only some text and colors change between releases, leaving me jaded of a design that was unappealing to begin with.

The taste here is a massive misfire, surely one of Rockstar's least successful beverages. Or at least, it is one of their worst drinks that have a normal flavor (remember, this is the company that makes a cucumber drink). Nothing works here, every aspect operates independently from each other, an under-oiled machine where flavor, sugar, acidity, and carbonation work as individuals and not as a whole. Sweetness proves to be the experience's biggest flaw, sixty eight grams of pure sugar, causing the calorie count to be a completely inexcusable 280. But it is a saccharinity that tastes dull, never quite sweet enough to combat the potation's piercing acerbity- and it is a tartness that is painfully incomplete without a harmonious sweetness. Effervescence is another downfall, slumberous bubbles barely lift the drink from feeling flat on the palate.

Each can contains: B vitamins, taurine, inositol, ginseng, guarana, milk thistle, and 240 milligrams of caffeine. That last part is the only reason to drink this trash, as it births a wonderful three and a half hour long kick. To end, Revolt Killer Black Cherry should be killed off the Rockstar line.

official site

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