Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Mega Energy Drink Review

In case the can or name did not give it away, Mega Energy, oh I am sorry, Mega Energy Energy Drink, is a generic brand, straight from Lidl. It ran me less than a buck, but that should not excuse such lazy execution- a solid black can with a green "burst" in the middle? An energy drink named "Mega?" It is as if the company had a blind guy name and design this, and yes, of course he had never heard of energy drinks before either.

The scent is toxic, a harsh, acidic aroma of fruit, spice, and chemicals. The flavor is an exercise in saccharinity, fifty one grams of glucose and sucrose burn as they sink like a stone in your gut- and oh, in case things were not sweet enough, my little eye sees sucralose included as well. When it comes to actual taste, it is a rotten blend of bubble gum, apple and vanilla, a synthetic assembly all wrapped tightly by a mouthfeel so syrupy you would swear the can read "Cough Syrup" and listed its side effects. It is a miserable sixteen ounces, one so lifeless and without personality you start to wonder why you stopped by Lidl in the first place.

The kick is as generic as you would expect from a generic energy drink, but it works, lasting two and a half hours. Each can contains: B vitamins, guarana, inositol, taurine, and 160 milligrams of caffeine. In the end, Mega Energy is a mega mess.

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