Friday, June 15, 2018

Mountain Lightning Zero Energy Drink Review

Walmart's generic energy drink brand has just one variation over the original, the obligatory diet version. Its can is equally clean, though the sterile white background has zero passion- however I do like the slightly textured can. It is generic, no doubt, but there are more good ideas here than bad.

The flavor is less Red Bull and more Monster Zero Ultra, for much worse than better. All we taste is grapefruit and lemon, so artificially sweetened and steeped in too much funky vanilla flavoring. But the flavors are deadened, lifeless caricatures of tastes you have tasted in better, more careful exploits of the ripoff game. The sugaring is perhaps the biggest letdown here, your familiar trilogy of Erythritol, sucralose and ace-k. They lack energy here, no pun intended, lacking depth and heft as you pound back the ounces to get through all sixteen. Every sip is without acidity, another huge notch against things, with every aspect here tasting just so, generic.

Each can contains: taurine, ginseng, inositol, guarana, B vitamins, and 154 milligrams of caffeine. The kick is rather weak but definitely not without any merit- they at least list the caffeine amount! Overall, when you hold a can of something like Mountain Lightning Energy Zero in your hands and eyes you think you know what you are getting into with. In this case, it is worse.


  1. I'm not sure which drink your referring to, I can tell you that they can't keep the cans on the shelf here. Maybe you should start with an example of an energy drink you like, for instance, i think redbull tastes like utter garbage-- actual garbage.... In a can. That aside, I like the article though I don't agree with you. If I'm drinking energy drinks the last thing i want is a ton of acidity

  2. This review is pretentious and hollow of actual facts. I like Monster Zero, and these drinks taste very similar. If anything I think the Mountain Lightning Zero leaves my stomach feeling less nasty than the Monster. I bought a regular and zero calorie Mountain Lightning Energy not expecting much and ended up pleasantly surprised.

  3. Zhirow - I agree with you. It is hard to get this drink in my hometown here in the south - people grab it off the shelf right away. I like the taste, and it is still good after sitting in the can for several hours after it’s been opened (when I don’t finish it right away).

  4. It looks as though they have discontinued it!!!! They couldn't keep it on the shelves here!! Wish I knew why we can't get it anymore!

  5. Well, I'm glad you found that out at least. Why in the world Walmart would ever tell customers what was going on or to hear our request for a product is beyond me. Having previously worked for Walmart, I try to stay away from it as much as possible and things like this are the reason I shop elsewhere. Anytime I find one product that I like, they immediately discontinue it. I'm sure it's like that for everybody that shops at Walmart, but it gets kind of old and why would you continue to shop there when you know their competitors carry the same products all the time? You know, So you're more likely to get the thing you actually want to buy . The reason they discontinued it was probably from pressure from monster, it tasted better and was cheaper so of course it gets discontinued. If I were a store, I would continue to stock the thing that's always selling out but that's not Walmart's business model.

  6. We also have the same problem getting the drink in the central Mississippi area. We do not see the "no sugar added" version anymore. However, I have seen the regular version of the "Mountain Lightning Energy Drink" about 10 days ago.

  7. Yes, for some reason the regular has/had been sticking around. I guess diabetics can just suck it if they want a sugar free energy drink. Or just use Monster which treats on but costs a $1 more. And this is why I hate all things Walmart.

  8. At my walmart in mid Florida there selling at in the 4 pack of both versions I like the zero $3.98 grabbed 2 cases

  9. It tastes great, has all the good ingredients that popular energy drinks have, a food amount of caffeine, and the low price makes them disappear from shelves. Your review is way off. They're great!

  10. I loved this product. Great taste. Low carb. Very inexpenssive. No asperteme. I called Great Value today because I could not find it in the store and the Dept. Manager said it was discontinued. The person I spoke to verfied that it is. He said the Zero was moving faster than they could keep up with and the regular was not moving at all.

  11. This stuff is great! My favorite energy drink! I'm so mad I am having trouble finding it these days. The last Walmart I found it at, I bout all ten cases they had left.
