Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Aspire Cranberry Healthy Energy Drink Review

This boring white can claims to burn calories, just like the Celsius brand does. Whether there is any proof to their claims is irrelevant- I am more interested in the supposed flavor "Cranberry," which is a rarely featured in energy drinks. But back to the can- it is a total wash, looking more like a dumped drink at a supplement store than a beverage sitting next to "Monster" at my local megamart.

The flavor is a complete disappointment! Cranberry, an acidic fruit, is decimated and diluted into a bland, tartless exercise that the textbook example of how not to make an energy drink taste. Mouthfuls are uninspired, effervescence resembling seltzer water more so than your usual energy drink; carbonation is slightly harsh, this is not the drink to have when you have a tender throat. But the fruit itself is the biggest disappointment, drinking so impishly that it never really tastes like cranberries- every imbibe resembles a slightly fruity bubbly water, like a long-lost brother of LaCroix that was killed before it ever made it to store shelves. If I am forced to name a positive, it would be sweetness, all from sucralose, but it does its job by never tasting like the artificial sugar it is.

Each can contains eighty milligrams of caffeine, which is a pretty small amount for a twelve ounce drink. The kick from it lasts an hour and a half- not bad, but definitely not worth its $2.50 price tag. Other ingredients include B vitamins, vitamin C, green tea, taurine, and ginger root extract. Notice here how I made no mention of the supposed "calorie burning" feature here; that is because there is no way to monitor that- and I am not confident my FitBit could track this.

official site

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