Monday, September 3, 2018

Rockstar XDurance Smashed Blue Energy Drink Review

I do not love the Rockstar line, hell, often their drinks downright suck, but they take risks you do not see Red Bull or Monster taking; sometimes they are brazenly self-cannibalizing. Now on store shelves sits XDurance Smashed Blue, a super-caffeinated and probably blue raspberry flavored diet drink, is one of the company's better visual offerings, refreshing the long-in-the-tooth look with a honeycomb background and non-symmetrical design.

Cotton candy, bubble gum and blue raspberry take center stage at this Rockstar rockshow, a completely unnatural tasting experience loaded with feigned fruit flavors and an artificial sugariness  so potent you would swear you are sucking on those little blue, pink and yellow packets on a coffee shop's counter (though technically this can contains just the yellow packet- and whatever color satchel ace-k comes in). Drinking like something created by a twelve year old who spends too much time outside ye olde candy store, Smashed Blue is overwhelmingly fake on the palate, from sweetness to flavors, every aspect is an assault on your senses. There is hardly any acidity, which could have cut through the paralyzing saccharinity- even the effervescence is at home bring just enough bubbles to justify the "lightly carbonated" declaration on the bottom of the can.

Each can contains a rock-solid 300 milligrams of caffeine, giving more than enough kick and almost justifying the rather rotten taste. Other ingredients include B vitamins, taurine, carnitine, creatine, and arginine. On the whole, Rockstar XDurance Smash Blue is a far more enjoyable beverage than any of the Bang drinks, despite similar four hour long kicks, and is 100% drinkable- which is exactly what I want in my energy drinks.

official site

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