Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Rockstar Pure Zero Tangerine Mango/Guava Strawberry Energy Drink Review

What the hell kind of flavor is "Tangerine Mango/Guava Strawberry?" Why do we need four fruits? And if we do really need all of them, why do we need to list them all? Is "Tropical Punch" too vague? The can is a sunny mess, a bright, bubbly distraction that does not sell its tetrad of tastes.

The flavor does not really remind my tastebuds of much, the strawberry is probably the most noticeable, thanks large part due to its acidity, the only fruit that introduces anything beyond a most basic characteristic. The "mango/guava" feature is perhaps the most disappointing, a misleading pairing that tastes far removed from either of those two pieces of produce. They sip without excitement, a barely noticed duo that exist more like text on a can than flavors in an experience. Tangerine is another missed opportunity; every imbibe is without a question completely removed from ever resembling the citrus, a normally potent, powerhouse of a fruit is diluted into a dismissive, diminutive blip on the beverage's flavor radar. Saccharinity, a threeway between erythritol, ace-k and sucralose, is a rare positive here, sure, you tongue would never mistake it for actual sugar, but the lack of any artificial aftertaste is a rare sight for something masking so many milligrams of bitter caffeine.

The kick is the only real highlight, sporting a solid 240 milligrams of my namesake chemical. The buzz is quick, hitting you before your final sip and lasting four hours beyond it. Overall, Rockstar Pure Zero Tangerine Mango/Guava Strawberry has too many ideas without any clue how to execute them.

official site

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