Just one sip in and you discover that this has a lot going for it, approaching apple with a more honest mindset than most of the products reviewed here. Sweetness is proportional to the produce on display, coming only from the nectar within and stevia. Every ounce sips with honesty; close your eyes and take a swig, and you will have no trouble imagining yourself sinking your teeth into a red round beauty in an orchard. A quick glance at the rear of the can reveals that we have sweet potatoes, purple carrots and carrots to thank for a bulk of the fifty percentage of juice, but your palate needn't worry; this is an expression of fruity love only, and no mouthful exposes any influence of vegetables. Apple is the only fruit hailing from the actual crop, with the vague "berry" mention coming from "natural flavoring," an element that distracts from the otherwise authentic experience. Acidity is present but could be stronger, a sourness dying without confrontation to the saccharinity.
Each can contains eighty milligrams of caffeine, from black and green tea, and that is really all we have. Does it matter though? No, really it does not. The buzz is about what any petite energy drink offers, lasting an hour, perhaps a few moments longer. In the end, V8+ Honeycrisp Apple Berry's taste is its highmark, but its confused branding and unexciting kick keep it from greatness.
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