Saturday, February 27, 2021

Bang Delish Strawberry Kiss Energy Drink Review

Bang Delish Strawberry Kiss no doubt is meant to capitalize on Valentines Day, but looking at my handy-dandy calendar, that holiday is long past. Perhaps I found it late, and it had been stocked on energy drink shelves well before that, but who knows? The can fits the bill of something that should come paired with chocolate and a card, but outside of this lovers context, it is just another piece of painted metal.

Strawberry is a difficult flavor to manufacture, its delicate profile is so often masked by a candy influence and likely other flavors. Bang is takes a sort of compromised approach, overindulging in artificial sweetness but maintaining a hearty acidity that is playful enough to inspire thoughts of the actual fruit. It is this bouncy tartness that moves the experience out from the synthetic sugar shackles so commonly trapping such potent potables, giving sips a brief shot of freshness. This slight refreshing bite almost finishes every imbibe cleanly, of course until the true issue of the potation comes into sight, its medicinal aftertaste. This feature destroys much of the "good" the product has so far made, although if there was a positive, it is that another gulp washes away much of this nasty influence- that is until those ounces move from your mouth to your gut.

Fans of the brand anticipate a three to four hour kick, and well, that is what you get here. 300 milligrams of caffeine remains an impressive amount, although I am less convinced of the other ingredients have much do with this. Other supplements B vitamins, amino acids and, well, if you are reading this review you no doubt know what to expect. Overall, Bang Delish Strawberry Kiss is not quite the romantic smack on the lips it promises.

official site

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