Sunday, March 7, 2021

Peak300 Blue Raspberry Energy Drink Review

There is no way around it- I get all giddy when a new energy drink shows up at a random location. Picture it, yesterday, my local Lidl, when next to some pulled pork and a refrigerated pizza sits a Bang clone, Peak300.

The can is practical but perfunctory; caffeine amount present, beverage genre there, and alleged flavor featured. This is no doubt a generic offering, and it is about as visually stimulating as one expects, but why? Just because it is not all that interesting to look at- why is that an excuse? Store brand potables do not have to sacrifice looks for the sake of price. At a buck and change, Peak300 runs a bit more than the seventy nine or so cents of their Red Bull clone; their $.99 Monster clone "Mega" is now nowhere to be found.

Full disclosure here- I have never had inspiration Bang's blue raspberry variety. In fact, the only reason I knew that drink existed was thanks to my friend the interwebs. This is a blessing for Peak300, which gets to splash down on a palate unfamiliar with its indisputable inspiration. Problem here is that "blue raspberry" is not found in nature- no sir and no ma'am, this flavor is will inspire images of other fruit at your grocer's produce section, namely blueberry and, strangely enough, grapefruit. The initial member of this unadulterated duo brings the sweetness, but what this ends up resembling is cotton candy, thanks to its powdery mouthfeel giving imbibes a light, sort of airy texture. The second member of the party bears the sourness, but it is the sort of acidity that has a dairy tang to it, like something out of a yogurt. Is it good? Is it bad? Ultimately none of that matters- there are 300 milligrams of caffeine here, along with a host of other supplements, and so the fact that this tastes like anything but chemicals, is a feat in and of itself. Remember, this is not some mega-million dollar energy drink label- this is a Lidl branded product that has no right being this inoffensive.

Boy howdy does this sixteen ouncer have some kick, a three and a half hour long one in fact. Although I remain unconvinced of additives other than caffeine contributing much to the potency of such potations, there are a lot here, including BCAA amino acids, coq10, and B vitamins. Overall, Peak300 Blue Raspberry is cheap, doesn't taste like complete crap, and if you squint your eyes hard enough, it sorta, kinda, almost looks like Bang.

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