Monday, March 15, 2021

Tea Riot Citrus Energy Drink Review

Tea Riot makes a statement with its can, a loud statement with a clean, unfussy can. The present text are all selling points to someone, from "100% plant based" to "zero added sugar" to the "organic" stamp, but a bare black backdrop gives the words room to breath, a lesson a lot of energy drinks could learn from. If there was something to knock it would be the label itself, a cheap, shrink-wrapped one that feels bad to hold and worse yet against your lips as you make for that first sip.

Despite all the gimmicks, the flavor shines strongly, bright acidity brushing aside any tea funkiness; what is left is a dizzying dichotomy between bitter and sour. This friction elevates what could have simply tasted like "lemon tea," imbibes show a little more care than is expected from "just another energy drink found on random health store shelf." The citrus itself is a shade more complex as well, with clementine, lime, and lemon, but all the personality comes through with the tartness, providing a sundry pitch that changes from ounce to ounce. But all these gulps teased something my palate could not place, a sort of cooling tickle tasted entombed deep into the experience. A quick glace of the nutrition facts exposes spearmint as one of the several teas here. My tastebuds remains unconvinced this idiosyncratic implication was totally necessary, but any potable that keeps you on your tongue on its toes deserves special mention.

160 milligrams of caffeine is about the only supplement here, a kick that is far more standard than anything else about it. Lasting two and a half hours, Tea Riot Citrus goes for the obvious with its potency, a shame considering everything else is so distinct.

official site

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