Monday, September 6, 2021

Beyond Raw Lit Jolly Rancher Blue Raspberry Energy Drink Review

Sugar free energy drinks have a fetish for candy flavors, however none are as brazen as Beyond Raw Lit, which has the actual Jolly Rancher license! Why a children's product is featured on a very caffeinated, very adult drink is beyond me, pun intended. The can fails to make much of an impression otherwise, with a large block of huge text that read without visual flair. The background is a murky swirl of blandness, and despite its potent ingredients, it uses the term "dietary supplement" instead of the more common "energy drink." Sure, it fits both descriptors, but let us be honest here, no one ever says "I'm tired- I really need a dietary supplement right now."

The flavor surprised me, honoring its sweetmeat branding with a sourness that touches every part of your tongue. The lower right of your lips curl slightly with every imbibe, a joyous exercise in acidic involvement. Things do in fact taste of blue raspberry, that false fruit flavoring dominating the experience with zero interruptions from the zillion of supplements buried beneath; you really do feel like you are sipping candy. For sweetness all we get is sucralose, missing-in-action is its usual ace-k brother, but it is never missed. Gulps are tart for the sake of the characteristic, and no amount of sugariness, sincere or substitute, could ever change that. Is that good or bad? Does it matter? Beyond Raw excels in its niche category occupancy, never regarding your palates tolerance for such a thing.

250 milligrams of caffeine, l-alanine, l-citrulline, and extracts make up the energy cocktail, crafting a three plus hour long buzz. It is a brutish, ungraceful kick that hits fast and hard, and leaves your body as quick as it came. Overall, Beyond Raw Lit Jolly Rancher Blue Raspberry skates by on its relentless dedication to its core principles that defies opinion.

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